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Auteur Topic: HEELWEG 2015 > 17 januari  (gelezen 12471 keer)
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Gepost op: September 10, 2014, 02:34:32 »

De aankomende "Heelweg Meeting" zal plaats vinden op 17 januari 2015. Nadere info op

* flyer_a4.pdf (33.79 KB - gedownload 545 keer.)
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #1 Gepost op: Januari 12, 2015, 11:14:04 »

 - NIEUW: Demo “SMD Reflow-Solderen” at home!

Het is de bedoeling dat Dave G4HUP gedurende de dag, enkele malen een workshop/demo geeft over reflow-solderen (SMD). Hij heeft hiervoor een leuke simpele methode bedacht met goedkope microwave-ovens (geheel in stijl dus). Wie wil, kan zelf hands-on een proefstukje maken.  Daarvoor worden enkele werkplekken ingericht, en de benodigde materialen/componenten zijn voorhanden.
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #2 Gepost op: Januari 19, 2015, 03:26:17 »

Hi the Gang,

Thank you very much for this nice and very casual microwave meeting in Heelweg, a toast to the friends who organized this day, for sure we will be there next year.

Lars I hope you enjoyed your JT dinner after your light CW lunch, and glad having heard you made recently your first JT QSO!... Lol...
So now you're infected by the JT virus it is inside your body, no vaccin is going to be able to treat the infection... re-Lol... ;-)

Kind 73's to all of you.
Pierre-Francois, F5BQP
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #3 Gepost op: Januari 19, 2015, 03:28:46 »

As usual, the Heelweg Microwave meeting was a huge success.
A lot of stuff was measured and calibrated, some of the test intruments having up to 100 GHz capability ! 
Many EME'ers were present, coming from the Netherlands, France, Germany, England, Sweden and Belgium.
A big thank to Gerard, John, Hans and all the other people who dedicated a lot of time and energy to make this nice event possible.
VY 73 de Eric
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #4 Gepost op: Januari 19, 2015, 03:29:29 »

I would like to add my thanks to the Heelweg guys. It was a great event and seems to get bigger and better each year.
On Sunday the four of us, G4FRE, G4BAO, G8BHC ( Scatterpoint editor) and I drove up to the Dwingaloo dish installation. We were last there two years ago when the dish refurbishment had been completed, but the equipment had not been re-installed. It was great to hear the strong SSB 23cm moon reflections and even the short 1296MHz FM signal that was perfectly readable!
Although the Cosmos satellite scatter tests with DJ5AR didn't work this time, it was fun to sit in the control cabin as it slowly spun round to follow the satellite. That is one big structure to move at that speed.........seasickness 100km inland!
Thanks to Jan, Eene and Harry for looking after us and to the rest of the team and visitors at the demonstration.
I'm pleased to say that the North Sea ferry trip was very smooth, both ways. I needn't have worried about taking the Sturgeron!
My thanks to everyone who made it such a fabulous weekend and to my very amiable travel companions.

73 de Sam, G4DDK
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #5 Gepost op: Januari 19, 2015, 03:33:49 »

Tijdens de geslaagde 'Westendorp' microgolf bijeenkomst (dank aan de
organisatoren!) hoorde ik amateurs praten over de nieuwe GaN transistoren
voor 10 GHz.
De informatie die ik met Google assistentie vond:
Volgens het blad Hyper zou dit ongeveer 600 dollar gaan kosten.
Bij Mouser zie ik een prijs van 620 Euro.
Interessante ontwikkelingen!

73, Hans, ON4CDU
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #6 Gepost op: Januari 19, 2015, 04:02:46 »

I agree,

this meeting was one of the outstanding meetings for me!

Thanks to the organizers as well as Gert PA0BAT for visiting his fb dishes & bobby!

Had talked so much to my friends and got lot of new impressions. WOW!

Well done PA-friends! Great meeting I hope to join again in future.

73, Slawek dl6sh
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #7 Gepost op: Januari 19, 2015, 11:08:42 »

Beste Eene, PA0BAT, PA7JB, PE1FOT,

Hartelijk dank voor het organiseren van de 2015 Heelweg uG meeting, het creëren van een prima sfeer rondom vele meetfaciliteiten.
Het was wederom een waar genoegen aanwezig te mogen zijn op de Heelweg.
Hopelijk tot volgend jaar, kijk ernaar uit.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #8 Gepost op: Januari 20, 2015, 11:06:35 »

Also thanks to organisers for nice Heelweg meeting, super super measure capabilities, and afterwards very good dinner with about 30 moonbounce friends.
Sunday also very nice to see the impressive dwingeloo dish and do some EME and satellite bounce experiment with pa3fxb, pa3ceg & pe1chq, and delegation from the UK.
I put 2 videos on youtube, pa3fxb showing the echo capabilities of the dish while singing the “frère jaques” father Jacob lullaby in perfect pitch & timing !!!
Bit discouraging to hear those kind of echos if you only have a 3 meter dish hi hi

73 on5gs dirk
Berichten: 1

« Antwoord #9 Gepost op: Januari 20, 2015, 12:33:10 »

Beste organisatoren van Heelweg 2015,

Hartelijk dank voor het organiseren van dit super tof evenement en het ter beschikking stellen van een immens arsenaal aan meetapparatuur!
Zeker tot volgend jaar wat mij betreft!

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #10 Gepost op: Januari 21, 2015, 10:23:49 »

Hello my « Hollandische » friends !
A big thank you for this very nice event .
It was a real pleasure to meet you and talk with lot of friends EME’rs, JT, CW or contest !!!
If you decide to organize EME 2018 , Corine and me will be honoured to help you if you need.
Please forward this message to all PA0 friends I don’t know their address.
Kindest Regards
73 Guy F2CT
"always further outdistances , always higher in frequency !"
06 08 17 40 82
Eene de Weerd PA3CEG
Full Member
Berichten: 197

« Antwoord #11 Gepost op: Januari 21, 2015, 10:25:25 »

Good morning Gerard,

My thanks to you and the team for the arrangements you made for Saturday, and for the equipment you provided.  It was again a great meeting, and a pleasure to be there.  I look forward to next year!

Please pass on my regards to anyone that I have forgotten (or don't have the e-mail address for!)

Best 73,
Berichten: 1

« Antwoord #12 Gepost op: April 20, 2015, 09:27:58 »

Hello Hans,

you mentioned the GaN power modules for 10GHz from Triquint. Are there already some experimental results or is there any experience with it so far? I think it should not be too difficult setting up a PA based on them.

There is also a nice application note of NXP on how to bias GaN amplifiers. It seems like this circuit makes the use of any GaN device "idiot-proof".

Due to the exchange ratio the price on the Mouser website has increased significantly in the meantime :-(

Vy 73,

Marcel (DL1SMB)
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