Titel: 10/24 GHz dual band feed for offset dish Bericht door: Eene de Weerd PA3CEG op November 15, 2011, 05:27:53 Palle, OZ8AFC did start a production series of a 10/24 GHz dual band feed designed by W1GHZ just before he went SK.
Jens Ole, OZ9ZZ and Erik, OZ1HDA has now made the feeds ready for sale. The surplus from the sale will go to the Danish beacons OZ5SHF, OZ1UHF and OZ7IGY. Price DKK 450,- or € 60,- shipping included. Orders are to be mailed to joni@oz9zz.dk. Payment in DKK to Jens Ole Nielsen: Account 2334 2645651564 or Payment in € to Jens Ole Nielsen: IBAN DK2520002645651564 BIC/SWIFT NDEADKKK. Info and pictures on http://www.w1ghz.org/new/dualband_feedhorn.pdf http://www.w1ghz.org/new/LPF10.pdf http://www.oz9zz.dk/pictures.htm http://www.oz1ff.dk/images/IMG_4021_1.jpg (feed with removed 10 GHz LP filter). There is a limited quantity so orders are first to mill. Vy 73 de OZ9ZZ/Jens Ole mailto: joni@oz9zz.dk Phone +45 8662 7634 |